The Advantages of Working with the NAOI
Investment Advisors and financial organizations would be hard pressed to find an organization that understands the investor market better than the National Association of Online Investors.
The NAOI has been teaching and listening to individual and corporate investors for 25+ years. Thousands of individuals have taken our online courses, read our books and/or attended our college classes. As we teach them, they teach us. As a result we have an unmatched knowledge of what investors want/need to enter the market with confidence and without fear.
We use this knowledge to enable financial organizations to gain a massive competitive advantage via cooperative agreements that provide the following benefits.
Gaining a Major Competitive Advantage
The NAOI knows that to the investing public investment advisors and financial service organizations all look alike. They all seem to offer the same services, investment types and portfolio designs. In other words, none have a significant competitive advantage.
The NAOI shows our consulting clients how to fix this. We know what potential investors want and need from investment advisors to attract their attention and their business. This is information that enables any organization that works with us to gain a massive competitive advantage.
Product Development Consulting
To stand out in the crowded field of financial services an organization needs to offer uniquely powerful investment products, methods and services. Simply offering cookie cutter MPT portfolios is not enough.
While the NAOI does not seek to replace MPT methods for portfolio development, we do enhance them to meet better meet the challenges of modern volatile markets and the wants/needs of investors. As an example, the NAOI has developed a new investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that are capable of changing the ETF(s) they hold based on a periodic sampling of major market price trends. By being “market-sensitive” they are capable of producing far higher returns with lower risk than any investment type in existence today. And when added to standard MPT portfolios they enhance their performance significantly in both Bear and Bull markets. How DIs work is discussed at this link.
Via an NAOI Consulting Agreement we will show you how to create optimal DIs for a full range of investing goals and how to seamlessly integrate them into your existing product line in a manner that will attract new clients by the thousands. Read about the benefits of using DIs at this link.
Uncovering Massive Value in Existing ETF Product Lines
If your organization develops or markets, a full line of third-party ETFs, you will profit greatly by working with the NAOI. As a part of an NAOI Consulting Agreement we will show you how to combine existing ETFs in the DI format (shown here) to produce far higher returns with lower risk than the standalone ETFs they use. By monetizing ETF combinations DIs uncover massive value that is currently lying dormant in your current ETF product line. The NAOI shows our consulting clients how to create optimized DIs for a full spectrum of investing goals.
Creating More Effective Marketing Material
The NAOI knows what potential investors need from financial organizations in order to capture their business. We work with your marketing department to create sales and information material that shows investors how your organization these needs. Organizations that use input from the NAOI to create marketing content will attract far more clients than the glossy, cookie cutter brochures that flood the market today with little effect.
Offering Investor Education
The one benefit that individuals place at the top of their list when looking for advisors is investing education. Very few financial organizations meet this need. The NAOI is the market’s premier supplier of investing education to the public. We will work with your organization to determine the type of education product(s) that will best meet the needs of your current clients and prospective clients. We will then create them in the format that you choose.
Below are two examples of the types of Education Documents that we can provide to your current and prospective clients. The booklet on the left teaches the basics of investing and references online calculators that enable them to document their financial profile. On the right is an education booklet example that could be created to explain the products you offer, how they are used and why they are superior to those of your competitors.
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By offering investing education to your clients, your organization will gain a “trust” factor. This is a very significant competitive advantage in an industry where studies have shown that a low percentage of investors completely trust their investment advisors.
An Advisory Role
NAOI President, Leland Hevner, is available to participate on a financial organization’s Advisory Board. Based on 20+ years of teaching and interacting with hundreds of individual investors, he has an unmatched knowledge of what the public wants and needs to enter the market as your client. On an Advisory Board his input can be seen as the “voice of the individual investor” that must be included in the development of an effective strategic planning process.
By including the President of the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) - a well respected and trusted advocate for the individual investor - on an Advisory Board will give potential clients confidence that their needs are being heard and met. Hevner’s qualifications for this role are found at this link.
NAOI Partnerships
The NAOI also offers Partnerships as discussed at this link.
Let’s Talk
Feel free to contact me, Leland Hevner, with any questions related to any of the topics discussed above, or others, at or via LinkedIn.
“the future of investing starts here” is a registered trademark of Leland hevner and the naoi